Darcy Miller Mother's Day Cootie Catcher, party, favor, flower, spring

Play it and say it with Mom to celebrate her day with this Mother’s Day Cootie Catcher.

Darcy Miller Mother's Day Cootie Catcher, party, favor, flower, spring

Darcy Miller Mother's Day Cootie Catcher, party, favor, flower, spring

What You’ll Need:


STEP 1 Download the Mother’s Day Cootie Catcher template and print onto a piece of 8 1/2 X 11 paper and cut at the end of the template to make a square.


STEP 2 Fold the plain paper diagonally and crease to make lines.


STEP 3 Fold all corners so the points meet in the middle, as shown. You should now have a smaller square.


STEP 4 Flip the square over and fold up the new corners so that the points meet in the middle again, as shown.


STEP 5 Fold the square in half, unfold, and fold in half the other way.

anniversary_0805_07STEP 6 Work your fingers into the corners from the fold side.

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